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Shotties ist eine australische Premium-Bong-Marke, die 2024 gegründet wurde und für ihre hochwertigen Glasbongs bekannt ist, die exklusiv über Bong Warehouse erhältlich sind. Ihre Kollektion umfasst von Y2K inspirierte Designs mit einem Fokus auf Ästhetik und Funktionalität. Shotties-Bongs werden aus Borosilikatglas gefertigt, das für seine Haltbarkeit und Hitzebeständigkeit bekannt ist. Dies gewährleistet ein sanftes und zuverlässiges Raucherlebnis. Jede Bong verfügt über durchdachte Funktionen wie abnehmbare Kegelstücke, Diffusor-Downstems und Eisdellen, um das Benutzererlebnis zu verbessern.

Shotties bietet eine Vielzahl von Y2K-inspirierten Designs, die auf hochwertiges Glas gebrannt werden und rauchgraue, rosa, violette, blaugrüne und blaue Highlights aufweisen, bis hin zu komplexeren Bongs mit mehreren Perkolatoren.

Sie legen Wert auf Qualität und Liebe zum Detail, was sich in ihren Produktspezifikationen und Reinigungsanleitungen widerspiegelt. Ihre Verpackung ist sowohl langlebig als auch diskret gestaltet, was sie zu einem Favoriten unter Enthusiasten macht, die bei ihren Raucheraccessoires sowohl Leistung als auch Stil schätzen.

Kaufen Sie die heißeste Auswahl an hochwertigen Glasbongs von Shotties im Y2K-Stil exklusiv bei Bong Warehouse.

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Shotties 38cm Glass Double Slit Fountain Bong - Clear/Blue right

Shotties Glas-Bong mit Doppelschlitz, 38 cm, transparent/blau

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Shotties 30cm Spiral Perk Glass Beaker Bong - Clear/Smoke right

Shotties Spiral Perk Becherbong aus Glas, 30 cm, transparent

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Shottie 35cm Slit Diffuser Pillar Glass Bong - Clear/Purple right

Shottie Glasbong mit Schlitzdiffusor und Säule, 35 cm, transparent/violett

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Shotties 30cm Spiral Perk Glass Beaker Bong - Clear/Smoke front

Shotties Spiral Perk Becherbong aus Glas, 30 cm, transparent/rauchfarben

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Shotties 40cm Glass Multi Arm Perc Beaker Bong - Clear/Smoke right

Shotties Glas-Beaker-Bong mit mehreren Armen und Perkolator, 40 cm, transparent/rauchfarben

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Shotties 40cm Glass Multi Arm Perc Beaker Bong - Clear front

Shotties Mehrarm-Becherbong aus Glas mit Perkolator, 40 cm, transparent

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Shotties 40cm Glass Multi Arm Perc Beaker Bong - Clear/Blue front

Shotties Glas-Beaker-Bong mit mehreren Armen und Percolator, 40 cm, transparent/blau

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Shotties 33cm Glass Perc Pillar Bong - Clear/Blue right

Shotties Glas-Perc-Säulenbong, 33 cm, transparent/blau

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Shotties 40cm Glass Slit Fountain Beaker Bong - Clear right

Shotties Becherbong mit Schlitz aus Glas, 40 cm, transparent

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Shotties 40cm Glass Slit Fountain Beaker Bong - Clear/Purple back

Shotties Becherbong mit Schlitz aus Glas, 40 cm, transparent/violett

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Shotties 40cm Glass Slit Fountain Beaker Bong - Clear/Smoke front

Shotties Becherbong mit Schlitz aus Glas, 40 cm, transparent/rauchfarben

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Shotties 35cm Glass Double Fountain Beaker Bong - Purple front

Shotties Becherbong aus Glas mit Doppelbrunnen, 35 cm, Violett

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Shotties 35cm Glass Double Fountain Beaker Bong - Clear/Teal right

Shotties Becherbong aus Glas mit Doppelbrunnen, 35 cm, transparent/blaugrün

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Shotties 35cm Glass Double Fountain Beaker Bong - Clear/Smoke front

Shotties Becherbong aus Glas mit Doppelbrunnen, 35 cm, transparent/rauchfarben

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Shotties 35cm Glass Slit Diffuser Pillar Bong - Clear/Smoke front

Shotties 35 cm Glas-Schlitzdiffusor-Säulenbong – Klar/Rauch

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Shotties 30cm Single Fountain Glasss Beaker Bong - Clear side

Shotties Becherbong aus Glas, Einzelbrunnen, 30 cm, transparent

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Shotties 30cm Single Fountain Glasss Beaker Bong - Clear/Purple front

Shotties Becherbong aus Glas, Einzelbrunnen, 30 cm, transparent/violett

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Shotties 30cm Single Fountain Glasss Beaker Bong -Clear/Smoke front

Shotties 30 cm große Becherbong aus Glas mit Einzelbrunnen, transparent/rauchfarben

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Shotties 33cm Glass Bent Bubble Bong  Smoke/Black right

Shotties 33 cm Glas Bent Bubble Bong Rauch/Schwarz

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Shotties 33cm Glass Bent Bubble Bong - Clear/Purple right

Shotties Glasbong mit gebogener Blase, 33 cm, transparent/violett

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Shotties 33cm Glass Bent Bubble Bong - Clear/Smoke right

Shotties Glasbong, gebogen, 33 cm, transparent/rauchfarben

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Shotties 33cm Glass Gripper Bong - Clear/Smoke front

Shotties 33 cm Glas-Gripper-Bong – Klar/Rauch

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Shotties 33cm Glass Gripper Bong - Clear/Purple right

Shotties 33 cm Glas-Gripper-Bong – Klar/Lila

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Shotties 33cm Glass Gripper Bong - Clear/Teal front

Shotties – Gripper-Bong aus Glas, 33 cm, transparent/blaugrün

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Shotties - King Sized Pre Rolled Cones - 3 Pack
Bong Warehouse King sized pre rolled cones all packs

RAW - Vorgerollte Tüten aus Bio-Hanf - 3er-Pack

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General FAQs

Shotties bongs stand out with their unique Y2K-inspired designs and premium build quality. Each piece is crafted from durable borosilicate glass, ensuring longevity and heat resistance for a smoother smoking experience. Shotties also focuses on adding functional features like diffuser downstems and removable cone pieces, which elevate the overall smoking experience.

Yes, Shotties bongs are crafted from high-quality borosilicate glass, which is known for its heat resistance and durability. This ensures that your bong will last longer and deliver smooth, clean hits every time. The borosilicate glass also makes cleaning easier, maintaining both the aesthetics and functionality of the bong.

A percolator is a filtration system inside the bong that helps to break up the smoke into smaller bubbles, which cools and filters the smoke for a smoother hit. Many Shotties bongs are designed with percolators, ranging from simple diffuser downstems to more advanced multi-arm percolators, to enhance the filtration and provide a cooler, more enjoyable smoking experience.

While classic bongs typically offer a straightforward design, Shotties bongs combine style and functionality. Shotties features Y2K-inspired designs with vibrant colors and intricate details. Additionally, Shotties bongs are equipped with high-end features like removable cone pieces, ice dimples, and percolators, offering superior filtration and a smoother hit compared to standard bongs.

Yes, Shotties bongs are built to withstand regular use. Crafted from borosilicate glass, they are durable enough for daily smoking while providing an enjoyable experience with features like diffuser downstems and percolators for smooth, cool hits. Whether you're using it casually or for extended sessions, Shotties bongs are designed for both comfort and performance.

Shotties bongs are suitable for both beginners and experienced smokers. Their high-quality construction ensures a reliable and smooth smoking experience, while features like removable cone pieces and easy-to-clean designs make them user-friendly. Whether you're just starting or looking for a premium bong, Shotties offers something that caters to all skill levels.

Shotties bongs come in various sizes to suit different preferences and needs. From compact 30cm models to larger 40cm bongs, each piece is designed to provide a satisfying experience. Smaller bongs are more portable and discreet, while larger ones typically offer more filtration for cooler, smoother hits.

Yes, Shotties bongs are exclusively available at Bong Warehouse. This partnership ensures that you can access the full range of Shotties products, from basic models to intricate multi-percolator bongs, all in one place. Bong Warehouse provides both the selection and expertise to help you find the perfect Shotties bong.

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